- Cap
a close-fitting covering for the head, usually of soft supple material and having no visor or brim.
a brimless head covering with a visor, as a baseball cap.
a headdress denoting rank, occupation, religious oreder, or the like: a nurse’s cap.
Mathematics. the symbol ∩, used to indicate the intersection of two sets.
anything resembling or suggestive of a covering for the head in shape, use, or position: a cap on a bottle.
summit; top; acme.
a maximum limit, as one set by law or agreement on prices, wages, spending, etc., during a certain period of time; ceiling
Mycology. the pileus of a mushroom.
Mining. a short, horizontal beam at the top of a prop for supporting part of a roof.
a percussion cap.
British Sports. a selection for a representative team, usually for a national squad.
a noise-making device for toy pistols, made of a small quantity of explosive wrapped in paper or other thin material.
Nautical. a fitting of metal placed over the head of a spar, as a mast or bowsprit, and having a collar for securing an additional spar.
a new tread applied to a worn pneumatic tire.

a short coat, in any of various forms, usually opening down the front.
something designed to be placed around the upper part of the body for a specific purpose other than use as clothing: a life jacket.
a protective outer covering.
the skin of a potato, esp. when it has been cooked.
the cover of a paperbound book, usually bearing an illustration.
a paper or cardboard envelope for protecting a phonograph record.
a broad, flexible strip of rubber, canvas, wood, etc., moved along the surface of a fresh concrete pavement to put a finish on it after it has been floated.
a metal casing, as the steel covering of a cannon, the steel cover around the core of a bullet, or the water jacket on certain types of machine guns.
paper or open envelope containing an official document.

- Belt
a band of flexible material, as leather or cord, for encircling the waist.
any encircling or transverse band, strip, or stripe.
an elongated region having distinctive properties or characteristics: a belt of cotton plantations.
Machinery. an endless flexible band passing about two or more pulleys, used to transmit motion from one pulley to the other or others or to convey materials and objects.
a series of armor plates forming part of the hull of a warship.
a broad, flexible strip of rubber, canvas, wood, etc., moved along the surface of a fresh concrete pavement to put a finish on it after it has been floated.
a road, railroad, or the like, encircling an urban center to handle peripheral traffic.
Slang. a hard blow or hit.
Slang. a shot of liquor, esp. as swallowed in one gulp.
- Polo
a game played on horseback between two teams, each of four players, the object being to score points by driving a wooden ball into the opponents' goal using a long-handled mallet.
any game broadly resembling this, esp. water polo.

- Pant
the act of panting.
a short, quick, labored effort at breathing; gasp.
a puff, as of an engine.
a throb or heave, as of the breast.