I can do at home...
Well,I'm great fine. I can do something important answer my homework and assigment any subject at home. I'm go to down my dinner then I'm taking bath so that fresh smell smooth lotion my skin. You are ready go to mass. My Family are went to church every sunday.
After my break time snacks this afternoon then I alyaws read a lot love of newspaers and watching t.v bec. I want know and curious everything what happen all of the world. I'm alyaws notice many earthquake death total only least 5,700 of the people from indonesia last staudrday until now The men servic are finding who those have dead under at building.. The people are hungry contnuies search for food and clothes too many collapse building and house near of the neighborhood in indonesia. the asian are help a given medicine and supplies to each other person. I hope ur serve all of the save to people in indonesia as same time in the world.

Anyway I can play with mini for dog our small of my house. I like cute my love mini for dog. The mini always sleep as like soft bed or sofa at house. Try check up can be mini go to outside only near in the street but my mimi don't like see dirty in the street. if check up my schedule when is next monday and subject english. so that before I'm arrange my bag for thing.
A Family Prayer Lord Bless our family with OPENESS to real communication, with SHARING in all our joys & sorrows with FREEDOM of let ech other grow, with UNDERSTANDING the for gifts each has to give and of course, with LOVE no matter what no matterwhen.
i hope you'll try harder in your studies...
:) migs
10:03 PM
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