Bad today is coming soon rain
It's make very heavy many rainy daily every august a different kinds name of storm in the Philippines. I hope said so that's why because stop rainy a notice many flood only near in the neighborhood. Then The group of the people want cutter a many in the tres anywhere province. I don't like too much very hate to rainy season.
The government is still very allow a many cutter of the tree. It's make need sell to tree from country. The government is still want need for purpose use of the own money by government. who those what happen the police is still even catch up to each other person man in the onlynear province.
It's make help a improve grow to the plant in the forests and mountains all of the peaceful everyone to world. It's make please help ask to each other people in the world. SAVE OF THE ENIVORNMENT. God is still even watching of the earth.
I'm just watching t.v talk about SONA to Pres. Arroyo is very speech to be continue enocomics a good cooperative businessman/woman chance improve workharding to Pres. Arroyo. Last Monday July 25,2006 then The many of the policeman is still even continue protect please tell tostop really from poor people in the commonwealther. Then If what happen the people are still even impeachment of the philippines pres. arroyo. It's make destroy enocomics a get very lowgrade for businessmean/businesswoman in the Makati City.The foreign are still hope cooperative to be continue support a good need apply support all of the filipino. Please you should come here a large JOB in the Makati City. Who those matter try me best in the world.
Hearing Impaired Person
Everyonein this world was given life by GOD. Not all human begins were born with normal condition. Others have different disablilties. I was born with Hearing ImpairmentMY condition is characterized by loss of hearing which affects my speech and language development and educational and psychological adjustment.But then, I don't feel hopeless. My family is giving all their supports. They enrolled me in this special school believing that i will be develop as total person.As an hearing impaired person, I amdoing my best to finish my studies. Do my responsibilitiesat home, in school inour communityI know that in the near future, I will be useful citizen in our society who is capable to render service to all.
POPE JOHN PAUL 2 a lot of many true stories
I'm may ask let's hope POPE JOHN PAUL two is going to heaven in GOD. then The biggest people are suffening a ugres more prayer one Our Father,Hail Mary Mother, Glory To be Father. A hope raisen Rest In Peace to POPE JOHN PAUL two. I like and are you sharing to each other person a replay new life...
A make to be Sadness,Happiness and joyful to everyone...
POE JOHN PAUL two is make a loving to each person all of the world. To be continue complete all my life in the present,future more prayer to POPE JOHN PAUL two. then POPEJOHN PAUL has have still strong a good health forever until now a lot of more stay for us.
The People is very making sadness a hope raisen POPE JOHN PAUL two in the world.No Matter a different kinds of religious from countries...then But Respectful to other each person in the world.
You have received a message a tel about Pope John Paul two is going to have a faith in GOD.
The angles are still watching a take care to POPE JOHN PAUL two then even those have guard ampngto each other person in the world. You should know already talk about what happen in countries bad do it forever until now even still war all of the countries.NO War and Stop War. Please you know must Peaceful also sa like how show love sister between brother or parents or relationship from country.
I may give a one chance good one more prayer GOD BLESS YO to everyone in the world.
Try my best a champion many million people still also as like same Catholic a get faith in GOD.
It's make Best Strong Catholic a many people in the world. peaceful as like same look at heaven. First think a can ask forgiveness my many sinner in the very deep heart then I can ask forgive at me in GOD.
The Filipino people is always more prayer in the church everyday. My Family are going to church Every Sunday.A have soul a rest visit come here a lot of joyful to Pope John Paul special Youth Filipino in the philippines... to be continue friendly mulism and chinese,filipino...
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s stone

A.Harry woke up by his auntie, to help cook bacon for Dudley’s birthday. B.The Dursleys buy many expensive gift for Dudley’s birthday. Harry Potter joined with them to the zoo because nobody can stay with Harry at home.
C. At the zoo, Dudley and his friend Piers are making fun of Harry. D.Harry looks at the poor snake and felt so sorry, opening a conversation, Dudley pushes Harry away and taps his fingers against the wall. The glass vanished and the snake move out onto the floor.
E. Harry is punished for the snake incident, being sent to his cupboard though he has nothing wrong to do.
Believe to everyone another sinner or pure heart
Pray for u easy communication with God so you have tell truth about your life. coz u sleep in church make you not listen what you want list sermon it is important to learn your vale christian you have copy what Jesus character u have to do good than bad thing but u can learn more and good Christian magazine you know i am interest very much because i love to read Christian Magazine not really bore make you feel good not bad because Satan want you make bore it is easy u tell bore because Satan dont want you read Christian Magazine or Holy Bible so you have more read Bible and you make feel interest and try study bible better because God create your body that is why you know in history God make Adam and Eve from dust u can read first Chapter 1 Genesis in bible so u make understand.
Why is it so hard to tell the truth...yet so easy to tell at me. Why do we sleep in the church..but when the sermon is over we suddenly wake up? Why is it so hard to talk about God...but so easy to talk about tempt?
Why are we so bored to look at a Christian magazine...but so easy to read a tempt magazine?
Why is it so easy to delete a godly offline messages ...yet we forward all of the world?
Why are churches getting smaller...but yet bars and clubs are growing??.....think about it....are you going to forward this or delete it? Just remember God is watching you if you love Jesus then send this to everyone on your list
Longest is Mother's Love, Shortest is Others Love... Sweetest is Lover's Love but Strongest is Friend's Love.. Thanks for being my friend..... send it two all of your frnds &don't forget two send it back two me
if u love jesus then send this to all in ur group to each other person a lot of take care all of the world. It’s make peacefully and friendly a good children for kids then No parents only one stay a child alone at home. The children are still suffering a many of food in the garbage around at street.
SoMe PeOpLe WoNdErHoW wE bEcAmE sUcHgOoD fRiEnDsThUr A kEyBoArD aNd A mOnitOrI gUeSs ThOsE pEoPLeHaVe NeVeR kNoWtHe MaGiC oF aNiNtErNeT fRiEnDsHiPYoU aNd I hAvE bEcAmE gReAt FrIeNdStHuR tHE wOnDeRs Of CyBeRsPaCeWe HaVe BoTh ShArEd....OuR hEaRtFeLt JoYs,OuR dEePeSt SoRrOwS,OuR hIdDeN sEcReTS,OuR lOuDeSt lAuGhS,OuR wIdEsT sMiLeS....aT aLL hOuRs Of ThE dAy Or NiGhToUr InTeRnEt FrIeNdShiPWiLL lAsT fOrEvEr...ThAnK yOu FoR bEiNg MyFriEnD.... tAkE cArE....
A True Friend
A friend is someone who'll always be thereTo laugh with, cry with, someone who caresThey make you smile when you are sadAnd make you happy when you are madThey'll sit up with you all night on the phoneJust because you feel aloneThey'll really listen to what you have to sayAnd tell you everything will be 'okay'They'll give you clothes when you need something to wearEverything with you they'll practically shareThey're happy just to sit with youAnd watch movies the whole night throughAnd when the boys make you cryThey'll wipe the tears from your eyesThey'll tell you, "things will be just fine"And you know that they would never lieThey'd give up everything they have for youTheir mother feels like your mother, tooYou know they'll always greet you with open armsAnd keep you safe from any harmThey'll do things that they hate to doJust because it means a lot to youThey'll stick with you until the very end.Thank you for being such a special friend!
Evaluats english class including the following: ^-^
I'm sorry. Because I'm study my read two subject in Intradepersonal Pesonal and Faith last thursday.
Topics discussed
Anyway Well, I like enjoy a one fun title of prefix and suffix lot of new computer program Skillwise. then I'm very interest different Quiz title of the same way by throught Skillwise.
Group Activities
The deafs group are still must cooperative how show help anywhere a new words of vocabulary differance kinds of title our lesson during class english. The students are very industrious and eager many answer correctly any question from Teacher Micheal Vea.
I'm very carefully read storytelling any books in the library. So that Why? because I'm just don't understand very deep of the word then I'm very responsible a get my own dictionary of the means. I'm make sure understand clearly a word means by throught dictionary.
Reading Materials
It's make complete need something borrow books story a full of the anythings in the P-MLC
during calss english every monday.
I like one more exercise practice only special more confident of the english.
Teaching Method
He is alyaws plan something a chance given once or twice homework for english to them. then He is very still industrious and responsible by yourself.
Only Maybe I'm just notice observation only special don't understand words and sentence of the grammer to everyone.